Long Duration Exposure Facility

Long Duration Exposure Facility

LDEF, shortly before deployment, flies on Challenger 's RMS arm over Baja California.
Operator NASA
Major contractors ?
Satellite of Earth
Orbital insertion date April 7, 1984
Orbits 32,422
Launch date April 6, 1984, 8:58:00 a.m. EST
Launch vehicle Space Shuttle Challenger STS-41-C
Mission duration 2076 days (5 years, 8 months, 1 week)
Retrieved January 12, 1990, 10:16 a.m. EST
Orbital decay ~180 km
COSPAR ID 1984-034B
Homepage Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Archive System
Mass ~9,700 kg
Orbital elements
Eccentricity 7.29E-4
Inclination 28.5 degrees
Apoapsis 483.0 km
Periapsis 473.0 km
Orbital period 94.2 minutes

NASA's Long Duration Exposure Facility, or LDEF, was a school bus-sized cylindrical space experiment rack that exposed various material samples to outer space for about 5.7 years, completing 32,422 Earth orbits.



Researchers recognized the potential of the planned Space Shuttle to deliver a payload to space, leave it there, and on a separate mission retrieve the payload and return it to Earth for measurements. The project was approved in 1974. LDEF was built at NASA Langley Research Center.


The STS-41-C crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger deployed LDEF on April 7, 1984.


Engineers imagined that the first mission would last most of a year, and that several long-duration exposure missions would use the same frame. The frame was actually used for only one 5.7-year mission. Fifty-seven science and technology experiments – involving government and university investigators from the United States, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom – flew on the LDEF mission. A total of 57 experiments were conducted on the LDEF. They investigated the effects on:


At LDEF's launch, retrieval was scheduled for March 19, 1985, eleven months after deployment. Schedules slipped, postponing the retrieval mission first to 1986, then indefinitely due to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. It was finally recovered by the Shuttle Columbia on mission STS-32 on January 12, 1990.[1] Columbia approached LDEF in such a way as to minimize possible contamination to LDEF from thruster exhaust. While LDEF was still attached to the RMS arm, an extensive 4.5 hour survey photographed each individual experiment tray, as well as larger areas.

Columbia landed at Edwards Air Force Base on January 20, 1990. Through the orbiter window, LDEF Project staff viewed and took photographs of LDEF at Edwards. With LDEF still in its bay, Columbia was ferried back using a Shuttle Carrier Aircraft to the Kennedy Space Center on January 26. Special efforts were taken to ensure protection against contamination of the payload bay during the ferry flight.

On January 30–31, LDEF was removed from Columbia's payload bay in KSC's Orbiter Processing Facility, placed in a special payload canister, and transported to the Operations and Checkout Building. On February 1, 1990, LDEF was transported in the LDEF Assembly and Transportation System to the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility - 2, where the LDEF Project team led deintegration activities.

STS-32 arrives at Kennedy Space Center. LDEF is still in the payload bay.
LDEF is removed from the payload bay

See also


External links